

Garlic and Oil Spaghetti

Prepare your ingredients ready.

First, boil a large pot of water and add two tablespoons of salt.

Secondly, when the water turns to a boil, put 8 ounces of spaghetti into the boiled water. Remember to stir the spaghetti frequently to prevent sticking.

Next, while the spaghetti is cooking, chop the garlic and heat two tablespoons of olive oil and garlic in saucepan until garlic turns to yellow and brown, not too dark.

After cooking the spaghetti about 6~8 minutes, drain it in colander.

At last, combine olive oil, the garlic, cooked spaghetti, 1/3 cup of the cooking water in a bowl, and serve salt and pepper immediately.

Then, mix them well for 1 minute.

And you will have gourmet dish!!


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